Vacuum & Steam Treatments

- Yang, A., Seabright, K., Juzwik, J., Myers, S. and Taylor, Adam. 2018. Survival of the Oak Wilt Fungus in Logs Fumigated with Sulfuryl Fluoride and Methyl Bromide. Forest Products Journal. Accepted for publication.
Peer-reviewed articles
- Juzwik, J., Yang, A., Chen, Z., White, M., Shugrue, S., and Mack, R. 2018. Vacuum steam treatment eradicates viable Bretziella fagacearum 1 from logs cut from wilted Quercus rubra. Plant Disease. 103 (2): 276-283
- Zambrano Balma, F., Bond, B., White, M.S., Quesada, H., Nagorniuk, A., Ferris, W.N., Tate, S. 2024. Manual for Vacuum and Heat Steam Phytosanitation Treatment Technology.
- VT Center for Economic and Community Engagement. Nagorniuk, A., Ferris, W.N., Tate, S. 2022. Eliminating Marketing Barriers to Support the Transition from Methyl Bromide Fumigation to Vacuum and Steam Treatment Technology: Feasibility and Site Selection Analysis.
- New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 2004. Treatment Efficacy Report: Use of Phosphine Fumigation on New Zealand Pinus radiata Logs. BioSecurity Authority.
- Chen, Z., White, M. Mack, R., and Wang, X. 2012. Preliminary investigation of vacuum/steam treatment of Asian long-horned beetles in naturally infested wood. Department of Sustainable Biomaterials at Virginia Tech, USDA/APHIS, and Inner Mongolia Agriculture University of China.
- Chen, Z. and White, M. 2013. Investigation of vacuum and steam treatments to heat treat and sanitize ash logs and ash firewood. Department of Sustainable Biomaterials. Virginia Tech.
- Chen, Z., White, M. Mack, R. 2016. Phytosanitary treatment of the Mediterranean snails, (Cernuella cisalpina and Eobania vermiculata), hitchhiking with the imported tiles in packaging, using steam and vacuum. Virginia Tech and USDA/APHIS.
- Chen, Z., White, M., and Mack, R. 2016 . Using Vacuum and Steam to Sanitize Hardwood Veneer Logs for Export: Phase II. Department of Sustainable Biomaterials at Virginia Tech and USDA/APHIS.
- Chen, Z., White, M., and Mack, R. 2016. Steam and Vacuum Treatment of Large Timber in Solid Wood Skids. Department of Sustainable Biomaterials at Virginia Tech and USDA/APHIS.
Forest Products Export Seminar. Virginia Department of Forestry. Charlottesville, Virginia. October 10, 2018
- Caitlin, K. 2018. Virginia Forest Products Exports. Office of International Marketing. VDACS
- White, M. 2018. Steam/Vacuum Phytosanitary Treatment Research and Development Summary. Virginia Tech
- Phillips, P., White, M. 2018. Commercial vacuum and steam heat treatment of logs, solid wood packaging materials, and other commodities. Welker.
- Mack, R. 2018. Logs to China. USDA/APHIS
- USDA. Sample of phytosanitary certificate
- USDA. 2016. Treatment Manual: Plant Protection and Quarantine Procedures
Project funding
- Evaluation of Vacuum and Steam Heat as a Methyl Bromide Alternative for Phytosanitary Treatment of Hardwood and Softwood Logs. PI Cheng Zhangjing. Co-PIs: Mark White, Henry Quesada, and Jon Eisenback. Period: 2017-2020. Funding: $380,502. Fuding source: USDA NIFA (2017-51102-27285).
- Phase II Control of Pinewood Nematode in Pine Logs and Oak Wilt in White Oak Logs. PI Chen, Zhangjing Co-PIs: Mark White, Henry Quesada, and Jon Eisenback. Period: 2019-2021. Funding: $491,725. Funding source: USDA NIFA (2019-51102-30124).
Important websites
- Phytosanitary Export Database (PExD). General Requirements to Export to China
- Clear Air Carolina. 2018. NC DAQ Takes Action on ‘Super Pollutant‘.
- PhytoVAC website.