Outreach & Research

Outreach by the Center for Forest Products Business includes contribution in local, regional, national and international organizations, consulting and continuing education programs. The Center is an active participant in the Virginia Forest Products Association and the Virginia Forest-Based Economic Development Council. The Center works with state agencies, such as the Virginia Division of Forestry and federal agencies such as the United States Forest Service.
The faculty here at Virginia Tech have been involved in research, development and promotion of CLT for more than a decade. Our work has helped to get southern pine included in the ANSI/APA PRG 320 Standard for CLT panels, started the investigation of hardwood use in CLT manufacture, and has assisted with potential development of CLT manufacturing capability in the southeast region of the United States.
More than 25 species of invasive insects have been intercepted in just bamboo shipments in recent years. To prevent the migration of such pests it is necessary to pre-shipment treat these types of products. As an alternative to fumigation, preliminary heat treatment tests have been conducted using steam and vacuum. The faculty here at Virginia Tech have been involved in a research to determine the best steam and vacuum protection methods.
Faculty at Virginia Tech have been involved in a research to determine the best marketing strategies to increase the market share of Thermally Modified Wood (TMW), allowing the producers to understand the potential of the market. Also, TMW manufacturers are still looking for the most efficient practices to produce TMW, since every schedule used to modify wood provides a different mechanical performance.