CFPB's Annual Meeting was held on March 31st

The Center for Forest Products Business (CFPB) at Virginia Tech held its 2011 Annual Meeting in March 31 at the Brooks Center in Blacksburg, Virginia. The meeting was attended by representatives of the industry, government, state, and industry associations. During the morning session graduate students from the Department of Wood Science and Forest Products had the opportunity to present results of their research projects to the attendees (See Figure 1). Also professors Dr. Earl Kline, Dr. Bob Smith, and Dr. Henry Quesada summarized the future direction of the CFPB.
After lunch participants were asked to provide feedback to help the CFPB to create a strategic plan for next five years. Results of the strategic session will be posted later. At the end of the day the meeting participants were invited to join the Annual Banquet of the College of Natural Resources and Environment (CNRE) where graduate and undergraduate students of the CNRE were recognized for their scholarly efforts.

The annual Meeting of the Center for Forest Products Business was been scheduled from 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M on March 31st at the Thomas M. Brooks Forest Products Center in the Corporate Research Park on the Virginia Tech campus. This meeting was held in conjunction with the College’s annual banquet that evening.
This was the agenda for the meeting:
Morning Session
- 9:00 am. Welcoming, introductions and Center Update. Bob Smith
Research Updates
- 9:20: am. Energy Consumption in the Wood Products Industry. Omar Espinoza and Brian Bond
- 9:40: am. The VT Lean Project. Mathias Schmith/Wang Chao
- 10:00 am. Coffee Break
- 10:20 am. Supply Chain Management Characterization of the Pallet Industry. Scarlett Sanchez
- 10:40 am. Marketing Opportunities for Appalachian Wood Products in Central America. Scott Lyon
The new vision of the Center
- 11:00 am. Forest Products Marketing. Bob Smith
- 11:20 am. The WEI program. Earl Kline
- 11:40 am. Innovation-based Manufacturing. Henry Quesada
- 12:00 pm. Lunch (if you have special needs, please let us know)
Afternoon Session
- 1:00 pm. The Future of the Center (SWOT Analysis)
- 2:00 pm. Sum up
- 2:30 pm. Adjourn
- 6:00 pm. College of Natural Resources and Environment Spring Banquet