PO Box 427
High Point, NC  27261

Phone: (336) 885-8315
Fax: (336) 886-8865

Contact: Tom Inman, President
Email: tom@appalachianwood.org
Website:  www.appalachianwood.org

AHMI is an association that promotes logs, lumber and products from the Appalachian region.

5596 Riverview Road
Mableton, GA  30126-2914

Phone: (404) 792-2290
Fax: (404) 792-2294

Contacts:  James W. Howard, Jr., President; Marty Payny, Sales Manager; and Patrick G. Altham, VP Export
Email: ahc@hardwoodweb.com  
Website:  www.hardwoodweb.com

Products:  boards, common; boards, select; flooring; moulding.
Species:  alder, ash, basswood, beech, cherry, hickory, imported hardwoods, mahogany, hard maple, soft maple, white maple, red oak, white oak, poplar, walnut, eastern white pine.

PO Box 6
Hamburg, NY  14075

Phone: (716) 649-2850
Fax: (716) 649-2811

Contacts:  Jeff Meyer, President; Kenneth A. Philbrick, Yard Operations Manager
Email: information@ballie.com
Website:  www.baillie.com

Products:  boards, common; boards, select.
Species:  ash, basswood, beech, birch, cherry, red elm, hickory, hard maple, soft maple, red oak, white oak, poplar, walnut.

PO Box 247
Kreamer, PA  17833

Phone: (570) 374-1108
Fax: (570) 374-5342

Contacts:  Chris Bingaman, Vice President Operations/Sales Manager
Email: cbingaman@bingamanlumber.com 
Website:  www.bingamanlumber.com

Products:  boards, common; boards select; glued-up stock; furniture dimension
Species:  ash, basswood, birch, cherry, hickory, mahogany, hard maple, soft maple, red oak, white oak, poplar, black walnut, eastern white pine.

PO Box 906
Brookfield, WI 53008-0906
Phone: (262) 544-4660
Fax: (262) 544-0795

Contacts:  Thomas J. Kestly, Sr. 
Email:  boehmmad@execpc.com  

Products:  boards, common; boards, select; flooring; timbers; cutstock; log cabin siding; glued-up stock; pattern stock; decking, laminated; decking, roof; dimension, furniture; dimension, precut; edge-glued products.

Danzer Veneer Americas
PO Box 3455
Williamsport, PA 17701

Phone: (570) 322-4400  
Fax: (570) 322-7213

Contact:  Dr. Vijay Reddy, Vice President,
(724) 827-8366
Email: vijay_reddy@danzervenveer.com

Website:  www.danzerveneer.com

Products:  veneers for panel, furniture, door, cabinet, edge-banding and flooring, dimension, dry; cutstock; glued-up stock; moulding; fingerjoint stock; furniture dimension; window & sash stock.
Species:  white ash, aspen, basswood, birch, cherry, black cypress, hickory, hard maple, poplar, red oak, soft maple, white maple, white oak, walnut, ash.

PO Box 490
Ellicottville, NY  14731-0490

Phone: (716) 699-2393 
Fax: (716) 699-2893

Contacts:  Dana Fitzpatrick, Executive Vice President
Email: sales@fitzweller.com

Website:  www.fitzweller.com

Products:  boards, common; boards, select; dimension, dry; glued-up stock; moulding; dimension, furniture.
Species:  ash, white ash, basswood, beech, birch, cherry, hickory, maple, hard maple, soft maple, white maple, red oak, white oak, poplar, hemlock, eastern white pine.

1690 Frank Miller Road
Union City, IN  47390

Phone: (765)-964-3196  
Fax: (765)-964-6618

Contacts: Martha Miller Mathias – President, CEO, COB
Email: clea@frankmiller.com   

Website:  www.frankmiller.com

Products: boards, common; boards, select; dimension, green, quarter rift lumber.
Species:  white ash, basswood, beech, cherry, elm, hackberry, hard maple, soft maple, white maple, red oak, white oak, yellow poplar, black walnut.

665 Rodi Road, Suite 305
Pittsburgh, PA  15235

Phone: (412) 244-0440
Fax: (412) 244-9090

Contacts: Linda Jovanovich
Email: info@hardwood.org

HMA is an association that assists the furniture, flooring, kitchen and bath, and moulding and woodwork industries with hardwood information.

PO Box 2633
Memphis, TN 38088-2633

Phone: (901) 767-9126
Fax: (901) 767-7534

Contact: Judd Johnson, Editor
Email: hmr@hmr.com

Website:  www. hmr.com

Hardwood Market Report, established in 1922, is a weekly publication giving benchmark pricing information and marketing commentary on North American hardwood lumber and the hardwood products industry

23925 Commerce Park
Beachwood, OH 44122

Phone: (216) 831-3140
Fax: (216) 831-4734

Contacts:  Larry Evans, President
Email: sales@itlcorp.com

Website:  http://www.itlcorp.com

416 E. Brooks Road
Memphis, TN 38109-0158

Phone: (901) 344 5350
Fax: (901) 344 5387

Contact: Joe Ignatoski, President , COO; Lance Johnson, District Sales Supervisor
Email: info@ibio.com

Products:  sap stain and mold preventatives; industrial wood preservatives; WOODguard and Natural Home–wood protection for the homeowner.

PO Box 418
Kenova, WV  25530

Phone: (304) 453-6381
Fax: (304) 453-6587

Contacts:  Steve Hamer, President
Email: jdearing@jimchamer.com 

Website: www.jimchamer.com

Products:  boards, common; boards, select; dimension, furniture
Species:  ash, beech, hard maple, soft maple, red oak, white oak, poplar.

1431 Highway 101
South, Greer, SC 29651

Phone: (864) 699-3100
Fax: (864) 699-3101

Contact: Stephan W. Michael, President/CEO
Email: smichael@gsponline.net;  

Website: www.sfpinc.biz

Spartanburg Forest Products, Inc. is a marketing and management organization, focusing in treated and engineered wood products.

Harrisburg Road, PO Box 1233
Milledgeville, GA  31059

Phone: (478) 453-3492 
Fax:  (478) 453-9002

Contacts: Larry N. Thompson III., President
Email: dsmith@tshardwoods.com;  

Website: www.tshardwoods.com

Products:  boards, common; boards, select; dimension, green; railroad ties; timbers.
Species: brown ash, cherry, cottonwood, soft elm, sap gum, hickory, soft maple, red oak, white oak, pecan, yellow poplar, sycamore, black walnut, cedar, cypress

Northern Research Station
180 Canfield St.
Morgantown, WV 26505

Phone: (304) 285 – 1500

Contact:  Ed Cesa, Research Scientist

Southern Research Station
1650 Research Center Dr.
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Phone: (540) 231 – 5341

Contact:  Phil Araman, Senior Research Scientist.

220 East Williamsburg
PO Box 160
Sandston, VA  23150-0160

Phone: (804) 737-5625
Fax: (804) 737-9437

Contact: Susan Seward
Email: vfpa@att.net

Website: www.vfpa.net

PO Box 2888
Hickory, NC  28603

Phone: (828) 397-7481
Fax: (828) 397-3763

Contact:  Wendell Cramer, President
Email: wmc@cramerlumber.com

Website:  www.cramerlumber.com

Products:  boards, common; boards, select.
Species:  poplar, red oak, white oak, ash, hickory, beech, soft maple, cherry, hard maple, elm, basswood, chestnut, mahogany, white pine, ponderosa pine.

PO Box 158
Warsaw, VA  22572

Phone: (804) 333-4022
Fax: (804) 333-9269

Contact:  Morgan Wright, President
Email: mwright@woodpreservers.com 

Website:  www.woodpreservers.com

Products:  boards; softwood dimension; timbers; ties.
Species:  loblolly pine, longleaf pine, shortleaf pine.