-Written by Urs Buehlmann and Al Schuler

The housing report is a free service of Virginia Tech and is intended to help you gauge future business activity.  This month's summary is that there are still a lot of headwinds to deal with...

  •  Economy is getting  better, albeit very slowly.
  • Government debt issues – all levels of government – exacerbates the job problem.
  • Much of Europe in recession  – major banking problems – Cyprus is latest – China is slowing too.
  • Housing’s main  problems  – Weak domestic economy made worse by slowing world economy; weak job market; poor income growth; high debt levels; and tight credit environment.

Demand (not enough), debt and uncertainty are some of  serious problems that are impacting the economy.

Job creation is key to better demand!!! – this requires better vision from “Washington”

To see the full report, click below: